Once an all-American affair, Black Friday has expanded across the globe in recent years to become the world’s biggest shopping day. The UK in particular has seen huge growth in Black Friday events over the last few years, moving from a niche occasion marked by a small number of retailers to a nation-wide bonanza typically celebrated with scenes of frantic and occasionally aggressive shoppers making national news.
If, like us, you have shopped to your heart’s content today and are in need of a little downtime or if you’re just saddened by the chaotic Black Friday scenes on your television, here are five ways to recover from the madness that is Black Friday.
Lazy Weekends

Whether you’ve planned that long overdue coffee with an old friend or a visit to the family, throw all your plans of the window this weekend. Instead, set up camp in front of the television with your duvet, prepare a large batch of coffee, put your favourite festive film on (Home Alone, anyone?) and send the other half out in search of some indulgent treats. While they’re away, why not leaf through The Hut’s Christmas magazineand compile your Christmas list ready for Santa.
Spa Day
Recharge your batteries with a spa day experience. A day spent away from work and your mobile phone will not only detox your body of toxins and stress, but will also help clear your mind. As well as rejuvenating your body and mind after the furore of Black Friday, a spa day experience will aid sleep, help ease aches and pains, and inspire a healthier lifestyle when you come away at the end of the day.
From improving your emotional and mental health to ailing physical problems such as back pain or pain in the joints, research continues to confirm that practising yoga regularly can revolutionise your physical and mental health. As little as ten minutes of yoga each day can mean benefiting from all of its associated health kicks—so what are you waiting for?

The still flame of a candle somehow has the mesmerising ability to inspire a calming stillness that helps many of us relax after a long day. Whether in a hot bath or listening to your favourite album in a darkened room, enjoy a moment away from the Cyber Weekend madness with your favourite new candles and fragrances.
Retail Therapy
While you may think it to simply be a not-so-clever marketing ploy of old, there is a reason we call it retail therapy. Many of us find the act of shopping to be a calming and relaxing activity, even more so now that we can do it from the comfort of our own homes. If you were brave enough to brace the shops this Black Friday, fall in love with shopping again by doing it all over again but this time from the confines and comfort of your home online at The Hut.
Shop our biggest ever Black Friday event >>
Bonus: Cat Videos
If all else fails, why not confine yourself to the warmth of your bed watching cat videos? According to our friends at the Indiana University Media School, watching cat videos is scientifically proven to boost energy and positive emotions, and so is sure to have you feeling refreshed, energised and ready to head outdoors before you know it.

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