It’s no secret that 2017 has been the year of ‘wellness’. Instagram hashtags have transitioned from #cleaneating and #nocarbs, to the promotion of #selflove – encouraging meditation and advocating the importance of balance when maintaining a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. The bottom line? We are no longer encouraged to crash diet, demonise certain food groups or embark on an unsustainable detox juice cleanse. Instead, our focus has shifted to taking small but manageable steps that together equal a largely healthy lifestyle.

One of the small changes you can make is to include more water into your daily routine, and adopting such a simple habit will have a huge impact on your health. The stat that we require 2 litres of water per day has been floating round for years, yet research shows very few of us are heeding this advice with estimations that only 1% of the British public are drinking the recommended amount.
We can almost guarantee that lots of you wait until you’re feeling thirsty before reaching for a refreshing glass of cold water, but by this time you are actually already dehydrated. The human body is made up of approximately 60% water, and every bodily function requires adequate hydration to perform optimally.
The Hut decided to team up with BRITA to provide you with some easy tips to ensure you’re drinking enough water every day!