Finding fitness motivation can be a hard enough struggle without the off putting thought of the cold and dismal outdoors. Understanding how to motivate yourself to go to the gym on a regular day can be effortful, but exercise in winter can be a strenuous task. The cold winds and rainy forecasts can make staying in bed seem a whole lot more enjoyable…
But when demotivation strikes and laziness kicks in, we need to remember why exercise is important and why we need to push ourselves to do it.

So to help you over the coming months, The Hut have put together a six step guide of actions you can take to ensure your winter fitness and gym motivation isn’t lost...
1. Find a friend and buddy up
It has been proven that when working out with a friend, you’re more likely to turn up and enjoy the workout. Your friend or buddy can hold you accountable for showing and the reliance upon each other to take part can be a huge driver in taking actions toward your fitness goal… even more so in the winter.
2. Make a plan that you have to stick to
Scheduling your workouts can increase your motivation to exercise because of the written (or printed) commitment to the task. No one likes to feel let down, especially by ourselves, so proving commitment can be a great influence in keeping up winter motivation.
3. Dress the part
Upgrading your performance gear is an uplifting way to increase your winter fitness motivation. Remember the time when new school shoes, a new school bag and a uniform made your first day more enjoyable and exciting - it is a similar principle. Buying quality activewear can be very beneficial, firstly for its longevity, but also for its health benefits and muscle repairing properties. Shop leggings, tops and more for both outdoor and gym workouts.
4. Choose classes
A Morning run might not be your bag, and nor might a workout at peak times in the gym of an evening, but classes could be your go-to. Cancellation fees and priority booking are motivation enough to get you to the gym. Similarly, if an outdoor run suits you better, try joining a running club where your participation matters and the exercise activity becomes more of a social affair.
5. Listen to your body
Getting enough sleep and being kind to your body are big factors that contribute to your level of motivation. Reward yourself after your morning run or an evening workout with a hot, soapy bath. Listen to your body when it is telling you you're too tired, but also listen to it when it is restless and wants to get moving.
6. Remember why it is important
Remembering why exercise is important can be a great driver in getting you moving on a cold and dark day. Exercise releases “feel good” endorphins and helps your body reach a natural state of calm. Exercise is also good for releasing stress, encouraging positive thoughts and increasing our self and body confidence. Simply remembering these benefits can spur you on to get out of bed in the morning or off the sofa in the evening.
By Olivia Seed