Christmas has been a fantastic time for indulging in excess food and drink, but we would never regret it or suggest anyone should spend the holiday season in any other fashion! Now that the last mince pies and Celebrations boxes have been finished off, we look now to cleanse our bodies and get something a bit healthier into our systems.
Now that we're all back to work, we don't have the time we'd like to completely revolutionise our eating habits. So we've got a few simple but effective tips for you to help you stay healthy, which are perfect for a busy lifestyle.
You don't have to go on a full juice diet to feel the rewards of juicing. You can can simply use it as a healthy addition to your regular diet as it's a really quick and easy way to get in a few more of your 5 a day.
Get yourself a high quality juicer or blender from our range of Healthy Eating appliances. Next you'll need plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as some delicious recipes to follow. You can then take the finished product on the go and drink it while you're out at work. The Breville Blend Active Blender is ideal for taking your juices and smoothies with you. It comes with two sports drinking bottles which you put your ingredients in, attach to the blender, and there you have your smoothie and you're off! This handy health gadget also blends in a matter of moments so it's ideal for a busy lifestyle.

Food on the Go

It's easy to fall into the trap of snacking throughout the day and buying unhealthy lunches while you're at work. A good tip to keep track of what you're eating is to prepare healthy lunches at home and to take them out with you. Shop our Food on the Go range for our selection of handy lunchboxes, flasks and more to transport your meals in and keep them fresh.
Also, be sure to stay hydrated on the go with a durable water bottle. We recommend the Brita Fill and Go Water Bottle which has a built in water filter so you can fill it up with ordinary tap water and it will filter out all of the impurities for you. Simple!
Make Some Changes in the Kitchen

A good diet is a great way to improve your nutrition, so the New Year is the perfect time to experiment in the kitchen. Trying out some new, healthy recipes is a great start, but altering the way you currently prepare your meals could make a difference. For example, you could try healthier ways of preparing meat like grilling it instead of frying it.
Take a look at our Healthy Eating rangewhere you will find our collection of top quality kitchen appliances, including grills, steamers and much more.
Our Fitness Shop has everything you'll need to get in shape and get healthy this New Year. From juicers and grills for healthy eating and drinking, to men's and women's technical sports clothing for a new gym look, to lotions and moisturisers for a beauty detox, The Hut has it all.
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