Two in every three of us receive a Christmas gift that we will end up returning, meaning that quite literally millions of unwanted presents are promptly returned to stores on Boxing Day each and every year. Whether it be for dad, your son or a partner, we are frequently left dumbfounded by the puzzle of what to gift the man who owns everything at Christmas. And although he might say he only wants a card, we all know that not to be the truth…
To spare you from rushing out on Christmas Eve among the festive shopping crowds to buy a gift you know is only going to receive an insincere smile and thank you on Christmas Day, The Hut offers a handy guide to the gifts he’ll actually love this Christmas. So sit back, grab a mug of something and relax in the knowledge that we’ve got his Christmas present sorted this year.

Shop our Christmas Gift Guide for Him at The Hut >>
By Olivia Seed